Fall lawn renovation typically happens in the early fall timeframe (around September, based on local temperatures and precipitation) once the temperatures have consistently cooled off.

Core Aerating – this process decompresses the soil and allows roots access to oxygen, which is called root respiration. Root respiration is critical for ongoing and future plant and turf growth. Without enough oxygen deeper in the ground, root growth can be restricted or even stopped.
Overseeding – turf overseeding annually is a crucial step in maintaining a healthy, beautiful, and thick lawn. Overseeding annually helps improve appearance, fill in bare or thin turf areas, and helps keep weeds out. To maintain the top-quality turf lawn, overseed annually is required and recommended.

Verticut – Verticutting your lawn cultivates the soil so new turf seed can be planted. Seed needs to have 100% soil contact, and no sunlight, to germinate most effectively. Verticutting is the best method to accomplish new growth in bare or challenging locations in your yard. Important to note, during the process of verticutting, some excess thatch and turf will be removed with the machine.